About me

Hello, hello; call me Dami! I’m a Black 25-year-old who’s very used to being referred to with she/her but wouldn't mind if you spiced it up a little once in a while!
Hobbies include singing, playing games on my Nintendo Switch, and writing fanfiction!
I’m definitely a “Go with the Flow” type of person; I’ve grown used to quietly doing my own thing in my own corner, tbh. (Which is kind of a necessity if you're not a shipper in fandom, haha. Unfortunately, being a Loveless AroAce has its downsides. Crazy, I know.).
But we adapt! Because what else is there to do? Not adapt?
These are a few of my favorite things!
Video Games
Miitopia - You get to put your OCs and favorite characters in here and adventure with them! With the Power of Friendship! This game gave me so much joy…!
Wandersong - I LOVE the theming of this game. The ever optimistic Bard and the cynical Miriam…the power of friendship and helping people and trying to save the world even though you’re not the one who’s meant to do it and the real hero is seemingly content with destroying it, instead. And the way you interact with the world by singing via a color wheel surrounding you, and the lack of fail states…this is the only collectors edition I’ve ever bought.
Paper Mario: the Origami King - This game rewired my brain and got me into the Mario fandom proper. The first Paper Mario game I’ve played and consequently my favorite. The story and setting and vibes are perfectly up my alley.
DRAGON QUEST XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age – Definitive Edition - I feel like this is the first JRPG I’ve ever played. The story was pretty basic but I loved it anyway, even if I had to look up guides at the end, there!
Stardew Valley - Ah, a classic. I usually play on PC with big cheater mods so I don't have to fish. And also I can stop time, turn on infinite HP + Stamina, give myself a shitton of cherry bombs, and clear the entire mines in an hour or two, remotely sending my loot to my farm chests. It’s great.
Cult of the Lamb - I was hesitant to play this game at first because I’m bad at combat in video games, but the Easy mode toggle in the accessibility settings was a blessing. It’s a shame it makes the cult half of the game overly easy, too, but I managed to see both sets of credits because of it, which is something I’m still quite proud of!
Rhythm Doctor - This game is a masterpiece, and its still in early access. The songs are amazing, the characters are a delight, and the devs are really doing some creative work with the rhythm game conventions. Act 5 slapped!
Chants of Sennaar - Okay I loved this game completely despite the stealth sections. I hated those. But the parts of the game where you actually get to decipher the languages…*chef’s kiss* It was challenging but not too challenging and I felt so smart whenever I figured out a puzzle!
Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope - The animation and graphics and cutscenes in this game are gorgeous, and again the customizable difficulty settings made it easy to keep having fun even when the game got a bit too complex for me.
Splatoon 3 - The only shooter I’ve ever played, and it’s bright and colorful and fun! It’s easy to get into, and even if you don't like 4v4 PvP there’s also Salmon Run, which is a PvE mode and my favorite mode in the game, and also there’s two single-player story campaigns of which I only played one!
TV Shows
The Backyardigans - Okay yeah this is a kids’ show but also it’s formative to my sense of humor and taste in media and also the songs are amazing even today. So if you really wanna get to know me you gotta watch this.
The Super Mario Bros Super Show - This was also a formative experience in my middle school development. Specifically the cartoon segments. I had Feelings for this version of Luigi.
Hetalia - A third formative experience! I watched the dub. I recommend the sub, instead. And to start at Season 5, because that’s when the artstyle change happened. But yeah this anime got me a friend group in high school and I’m very grateful for that! Germany’s my fave~
Cells At Work! - It’s like Hetalia, but way more educational (and honestly more interesting, too). And it’s about cells of the body rather than countries. Macrophage is my favorite character because she’s a maid lady who swings around a machete to kill viruses (among other things)!
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime - I love the slow formation of a monster society; it's so interesting that when the humans show up I boo and hiss at the screen. It’s a very feel-good show, to me, too; sure the protagonist’s wins are pretty much always guaranteed, but the fun is in how he wins, you know? And its usually with friendship (and the powers he copied along the way)!
Big Windup - I watched this anime ages ago but I remember liking how relatively quiet it was, compared to the other sports anime I was watching at the time. Also I liked that the main character clearly has anxiety and no one tries to “fix” that. He just naturally becomes a little less of a nervous wreck as the episodes go on, haha.
Ore Monotagari - I don't usually like romance stuff but I liked this one because it cuts the bullshit miscommunication and jealousy-type plots and just focuses on everyone being cute. Even when there is a little drama in the season finale everyone is refreshingly mature about it.
A Place Further Than The Universe - This anime had me bawling in the latter half it’s a fucking masterpiece with a whole bunch of thoughtful things to say!
YouTubers and Streamers
Barry - A variety streamer with a really great and positive community! The only streamer I’m subscribed to. Also has a VOD channel and a main channel where he talks about video games once or twice a year!
gymnast86 - A 3D Zelda speedrunner whose streams are easy to doze off to!
IPLSplatoon - Host to a multitude of Splatoon tournaments and weeklies! They also have a Youtube Channel with past tourneys!
Moon Channel - A lawyer by day who’s fond of using Ace Attorney imagery while making wholesome, relaxing, and hopefully enjoyable, video essays, mostly about video games and law.
How To Cook That - A friendly food scientist who makes videos about baking, whether explaining recipes or debunking myths or educating about ingredients. Her cookbook is great, too!
jan Misali - Makes a lot of good video essays whose subject matter I may not understand fully (linguistics and math) but are nonetheless engaging and interesting and a little bit funny, too!
New Frame Plus - Video game animation talked about in a way that’s not only comprehensible to me but makes it very fun!
Rachelskiiiiiii - Makes videos about Splatoon 3’s Salmon Run mode. Contains lots of help and good advice and high scores. She also streams high-level Salmon Run gameplay on her Twitch channel!
Scruffy - A composer and 3D artist who loves to teach about video game audio and music theory! His What I Love series is a huge highlight, and you should check out his Pikmin 4 Let’s Play, as well; it’s wholesome delightfulness~
Summoning Salt - Creates amazing World Record progression videos for various speedrunning communities.
ToonrificTariq - Creating video essays about animated shows and movies! Realy leans into the nostalgic vibes for a lot of them, haha!